青島速霸數控設備有限公司,成立于1999年,是集數控設備的研發(fā)、生產、銷售為一體的高新技術企業(yè),在廣州、成都、義烏、長春、太原、昆明、哈爾濱等地設有代理商,并在阿聯酋設立了迪拜分公司。速霸公司作為大陸國際數控行業(yè)知名制造加工企業(yè),產品遠銷新加坡、俄羅斯、馬來西亞、歐洲、非洲等世界各地。公司產品主要有:木工雕刻機、圓柱雕刻機、石材雕刻機、激光雕刻機、廣告雕刻機、吸塑機、折彎機、等離子切割機、電腦刻字機及其相關輔助設備等。“中國最大的雕刻機生產基地之一” Qingdao SuBa CNC Machinnery Co.,Ltd is a professional company established in 1999,which specializes in manufacturing and developing of CNC Machinery as well as sales and technical service.We have agents in guangzhou,chengdu,yiwu,changchun,taiyuan,kunming,haerbin act,and have set up branch office in UAE.AS a CEO in continent,our products have commanded a ready market in Singapore,Russia,Malaysia,Europe,Africa act around the world. Our main products are as follows: CNC Wood Working Wachine,Columns Carved Machine,Stone Carving Machine,Engraving Machine,Ads Engraving Machine,Plastic Machine,Bending Machine,Plasma Cutting Machine,Computer Aided Character Carver and Ae Auxiliary Equipment act. One of the biggist engraving machine production bases電話:0532-84811533 15336392178