? Line output stabilization via equipment problem solving and capacity flexibility using. ? Production data analysis in daily, weekly and monthly base to monitor the Tier-1 supplier performance and industrialization level trend. ? Process audit and improvement on enhanced LPA items and defined key process items. ? Check and support on development of the countermeasures define for customer complaints via 8D process. ? Track and monitor changes’ whole process, and monitor pilot production (in case of applicable) on quality maturity and efficiency ramp-up.
MB SIM Technology Co., Ltd. which is locatedin Shanghai, P.R.China is a joint venturecompany of MBtech Group. The MBtechGroup is a wohlly-owned subsidiary ofDaimler Group and a globally active.internationally leading automotiveengineering and consulting companyMBtech develops, integrates, and testscomponents, systems, modules and vehiclesworldwide.In addition to the headquarter inGermany, the MBtech Group is representedatlocations in Europe, North America andAsia. Combined with the service segmentsand expertise from global MBtech Group, theMB SIM Technology Co., Ltd.is offeringdedicated and market oriented vehicleengineering,powertrain solutions.electronics solutions and consulting servicesalong the entire value creation chain withlocal resources to customers in China andother Asian countries for their localizatiorand adaptation.